# RoboTurk Pilot ## Overview The first [RoboTurk paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.02790) released [large-scale pilot datasets](https://roboturk.stanford.edu/dataset_sim.html) collected with robosuite `v0.3`. These datasets consist of over 1000 task demonstrations each on several Sawyer `PickPlace` and `NutAssembly` task variants, collected by several human operators. This repository is fully compatible with these datasets.

## Downloading


When working with these datasets, please make sure that you have installed [robosuite](https://robosuite.ai/) from source and are on the `roboturk_v1` branch.
Download the dataset [here](http://cvgl.stanford.edu/projects/roboturk/RoboTurkPilot.zip) (~9 GB download), and unzip the file, resulting in a `RoboTurkPilot` folder. ## Postprocessing First, the dataset must be updated to a format compatible with **robomimic**. Run the following script (these arguments are provided as an example): ```sh # convert the Can demonstrations, and also create a "fastest_225" filter_key (prior work such as IRIS has trained on this subset) $ python conversion/convert_roboturk_pilot.py --folder /path/to/RoboTurkPilot/bins-Can --n 225 ``` Then, the dataset must be postprocessed since there are no observations stored. You must run `dataset_states_to_obs.py`. For more information, see [this page](robosuite.html#extracting-observations-from-mujoco-states). ## Citation ```sh @inproceedings{mandlekar2018roboturk, title={Roboturk: A crowdsourcing platform for robotic skill learning through imitation}, author={Mandlekar, Ajay and Zhu, Yuke and Garg, Animesh and Booher, Jonathan and Spero, Max and Tung, Albert and Gao, Julian and Emmons, John and Gupta, Anchit and Orbay, Emre and others}, booktitle={Conference on Robot Learning}, pages={879--893}, year={2018}, organization={PMLR} } ```