# Running Hyperparameter Scans We provide the `ConfigGenerator` class under `utils/hyperparam_utils.py` to easily set and sweep over hyperparameters. **This is the preferred way to launch multiple training runs using the repository.** Follow the steps below for running your own hyperparameter scan: 1. [Create Base Config json](#step-1-create-base-config-json) 2. [Create Config Generator](#step-2-create-config-generator) 3. [Set Hyperparameter Values](#step-3-set-hyperparameter-values) 4. [Run Hyperparameter Helper Script](#step-4-run-hyperparameter-helper-script) ## Step 1: Create Base Config json The first step is to start with a base config json. A common choice is to copy one of the templates in `exps/templates` (such as `exps/templates/bc.json`) into a new folder (where additional config jsons will be generated). ```sh $ cp ../exps/templates/bc.json /tmp/gen_configs/base.json ```

Relevant settings in base json file

Sections of the config that are not involved in the scan and that do not differ from the default values in the template can also be omitted, if desired.
We modify `/tmp/gen_configs/base.json`, adding a base experiment name (`"bc_rnn_hyper"`) and specified the dataset path (`"/tmp/test.hdf5"`). ```sh $ cat /tmp/gen_configs/base.json ```
Click to see output

```json { "algo_name": "bc", "experiment": { "name": "bc_rnn_hyper", "validate": true, "save": { "enabled": true, "every_n_seconds": null, "every_n_epochs": 50, "epochs": [], "on_best_validation": false, "on_best_rollout_return": false, "on_best_rollout_success_rate": true }, "epoch_every_n_steps": 100, "validation_epoch_every_n_steps": 10, "rollout": { "enabled": true, "n": 50, "horizon": 400, "rate": 50, "warmstart": 0, "terminate_on_success": true } }, "train": { "data": "/tmp/test.hdf5", "output_dir": "../bc_trained_models", "num_data_workers": 0, "hdf5_cache_mode": "all", "hdf5_use_swmr": true, "hdf5_normalize_obs": false, "hdf5_filter_key": null, "seq_length": 1, "goal_mode": null, "cuda": true, "batch_size": 100, "num_epochs": 2000, "seed": 1 }, "algo": { "optim_params": { "policy": { "learning_rate": { "initial": 0.0001, "decay_factor": 0.1, "epoch_schedule": [] }, "regularization": { "L2": 0.0 } } }, "actor_layer_dims": [ 1024, 1024 ], "gmm": { "enabled": false, "num_modes": 5, "min_std": 0.0001, "std_activation": "softplus", "low_noise_eval": true }, "rnn": { "enabled": false, "horizon": 10, "hidden_dim": 400, "rnn_type": "LSTM", "num_layers": 2 } } } ```

## Step 2: Create Config Generator The next step is create a `ConfigGenerator` object which procedurally generates new configs (one config per unique hyperparameter combination). We provide an example in `scripts/hyperparam_helper.py` and for the remainder of this tutorial we will follow this script step-by-step. First, we define a function `make_generator` that creates a `ConfigGenerator` object. After this, our next step will be to set hyperparameter values. ```python import robomimic import robomimic.utils.hyperparam_utils as HyperparamUtils def make_generator(config_file, script_file): """ Implement this function to setup your own hyperparameter scan! """ generator = HyperparamUtils.ConfigGenerator( base_config_file=config_file, script_file=script_file ) # next: set and sweep over hyperparameters generator.add_param(...) # set / sweep hp1 generator.add_param(...) # set / sweep hp2 generator.add_param(...) # set / sweep hp3 ... return generator def main(args): # make config generator generator = make_generator( config_file=args.config, # base config file from step 1 script_file=args.script # explained later in step 4 ) # generate jsons and script generator.generate() ... ``` ## Step 3: Set Hyperparameter Values Next, we use the `generator.add_param` function to set hyperparameter values, which takes the following arguments: - `key`: (string) full name of config key to sweep - `name`: (string) shorthand name for this key - `values`: (list) values to sweep for this key - `value_names` (list) (optional) shorthand names associated for each value in `values` - `group`: (integer) hp group identifier. hps with same group are swept together. hps with different groups are swept as a cartesian product ### Set fixed values Going back to our example, we first set hyperparameters that are fixed single values. We could have modified our base json file directly but we opted to set it in the generator function instead. In this case, we would like to run the BC-RNN algorithm with an RNN horizon of 10. This requires setting `config.train.seq_length = 10` and `config.algo.rnn.enabled = True`. ```python # use RNN with horizon 10 generator.add_param( key="algo.rnn.enabled", name="", group=0, values=[True], ) generator.add_param( key="train.seq_length", name="", group=0, values=[10], ) generator.add_param( key="algo.rnn.horizon", name="", group=0, values=[10], ) ```

Empty hyperparameter names

Leaving `name=""` ensures that the experiment name is not determined by these parameter values. Only do this if you are sweeping over a single value!
### Define hyperparameter scan values Now we define our scan - we could like to sweep the following: - policy learning rate in [1e-3, 1e-4] - whether to use a GMM policy or not - whether to use an RNN dimension of 400 with an MLP of size (1024, 1024) or an RNN dimension of 1000 with an empty MLP Notice that the learning rate goes in `group` 1, the GMM enabled parameter goes in `group` 2, and the RNN dimension and MLP layer dims both go in `group` 3.

Sweeping hyperparameters together

We set the RNN dimension and MLP layer dims in the same group to ensure that the parameters change together (RNN dimension 400 always occurs with MLP layer dims (1024, 1024), and RNN dimension 1000 always occurs with an empty MLP).
```python # LR - 1e-3, 1e-4 generator.add_param( key="algo.optim_params.policy.learning_rate.initial", name="plr", group=1, values=[1e-3, 1e-4], ) # GMM y / n generator.add_param( key="algo.gmm.enabled", name="gmm", group=2, values=[True, False], value_names=["t", "f"], ) # RNN dim 400 + MLP dims (1024, 1024) vs. RNN dim 1000 + empty MLP dims () generator.add_param( key="algo.rnn.hidden_dim", name="rnnd", group=3, values=[ 400, 1000, ], ) generator.add_param( key="algo.actor_layer_dims", name="mlp", group=3, values=[ [1024, 1024], [], ], value_names=["1024", "0"], ) ``` ## Step 4: Run Hyperparameter Helper Script Finally, we run the hyperparameter helper script (which contains the function we defined above). ```sh $ python hyperparam_helper.py --config /tmp/gen_configs/base.json --script /tmp/gen_configs/out.sh ``` All generated configs have been added to `/tmp/gen_configs`, along with a helpful bash script that can be used to launch your training runs. ```sh $ cat /tmp/gen_configs/out.sh #!/bin/bash python train.py --config /tmp/gen_configs/bc_rnn_hyper_plr_0.001_gmm_t_rnnd_400_mlp_1024.json python train.py --config /tmp/gen_configs/bc_rnn_hyper_plr_0.001_gmm_t_rnnd_1000_mlp_0.json python train.py --config /tmp/gen_configs/bc_rnn_hyper_plr_0.001_gmm_f_rnnd_400_mlp_1024.json python train.py --config /tmp/gen_configs/bc_rnn_hyper_plr_0.001_gmm_f_rnnd_1000_mlp_0.json python train.py --config /tmp/gen_configs/bc_rnn_hyper_plr_0.0001_gmm_t_rnnd_400_mlp_1024.json python train.py --config /tmp/gen_configs/bc_rnn_hyper_plr_0.0001_gmm_t_rnnd_1000_mlp_0.json python train.py --config /tmp/gen_configs/bc_rnn_hyper_plr_0.0001_gmm_f_rnnd_400_mlp_1024.json python train.py --config /tmp/gen_configs/bc_rnn_hyper_plr_0.0001_gmm_f_rnnd_1000_mlp_0.json ```