Implemented Algorithms#

robomimic includes several high-quality implementations of offline learning algorithms, and offers tools to easily build your own learning algorithms.

Imitation Learning#


  • Vanilla Behavioral Cloning (see this paper), consisting of simple supervised regression from observations to actions. Implemented in the BC class in algo/, along with some variants such as BC_GMM (stochastic GMM policy) and BC_VAE (stochastic VAE policy)


  • Behavioral Cloning with an RNN network. Implemented in the BC_RNN and BC_RNN_GMM (recurrent GMM policy) classes in algo/


  • Hierarchical Behavioral Cloning - the implementation is largely based off of this paper. Implemented in the HBC class in algo/

Offline Reinforcement Learning#


  • A recent batch offline RL algorithm from this paper. Implemented in the IRIS class in algo/


  • A recent batch offline RL algorithm from this paper. Implemented in the BCQ class in algo/


  • A recent batch offline RL algorithm from this paper. Implemented in the CQL class in algo/


  • A recent algorithm from this paper. We implemented it as an example (see section below on building your own algorithm). Implemented in the TD3_BC class in algo/