robomimic.envs package#


robomimic.envs.env_base module#

This file contains the base class for environment wrappers that are used to provide a standardized environment API for training policies and interacting with metadata present in datasets.

class robomimic.envs.env_base.EnvBase(env_name, render=False, render_offscreen=False, use_image_obs=False, use_depth_obs=False, postprocess_visual_obs=True, **kwargs)#

Bases: abc.ABC

A base class method for environments used by this repo.

abstract property action_dimension#

Returns dimension of actions (int).

abstract property base_env#

Grabs base simulation environment.

abstract classmethod create_for_data_processing(camera_names, camera_height, camera_width, reward_shaping, render=None, render_offscreen=None, use_image_obs=None, use_depth_obs=None, **kwargs)#

Create environment for processing datasets, which includes extracting observations, labeling dense / sparse rewards, and annotating dones in transitions.

  • camera_names ([str]) – list of camera names that correspond to image observations

  • camera_height (int) – camera height for all cameras

  • camera_width (int) – camera width for all cameras

  • reward_shaping (bool) – if True, use shaped environment rewards, else use sparse task completion rewards

  • render (bool or None) – optionally override rendering behavior. Defaults to False.

  • render_offscreen (bool or None) – optionally override rendering behavior. The default value is True if @camera_names is non-empty, False otherwise.

  • use_image_obs (bool or None) – optionally override rendering behavior. The default value is True if @camera_names is non-empty, False otherwise.

  • use_depth_obs (bool) – if True, use depth observations


env (EnvBase instance)

abstract get_goal()#

Get goal observation. Not all environments support this.

abstract get_observation()#

Get environment observation

abstract get_reward()#

Get current reward.

abstract get_state()#

Get environment simulator state, compatible with @reset_to

abstract is_done()#

Check if the task is done (not necessarily successful).

abstract is_success()#

Check if the task condition(s) is reached. Should return a dictionary { str: bool } with at least a “task” key for the overall task success, and additional optional keys corresponding to other task criteria.

abstract property name#

Returns name of environment name (str).

abstract render(mode='human', height=None, width=None, camera_name=None)#


abstract reset()#

Reset environment.


initial observation dictionary.

Return type

observation (dict)

abstract reset_to(state)#

Reset to a specific simulator state.


state (dict) – current simulator state


observation dictionary after setting the simulator state

Return type

observation (dict)

abstract property rollout_exceptions#

Return tuple of exceptions to except when doing rollouts. This is useful to ensure that the entire training run doesn’t crash because of a bad policy that causes unstable simulation computations.

abstract serialize()#

Save all information needed to re-instantiate this environment in a dictionary. This is the same as @env_meta - environment metadata stored in hdf5 datasets, and used in utils/

abstract set_goal(**kwargs)#

Set goal observation with external specification. Not all environments support this.

abstract step(action)#

Step in the environment with an action.


action (np.array) – action to take


new observation dictionary reward (float): reward for this step done (bool): whether the task is done info (dict): extra information

Return type

observation (dict)

abstract property type#

Returns environment type (int) for this kind of environment. This helps identify this env class.

property version#

Returns version of environment (str). This is not an abstract method, some subclasses do not implement it

class robomimic.envs.env_base.EnvType#

Bases: object

Holds environment types - one per environment class. These act as identifiers for different environments.


robomimic.envs.env_gym module#

robomimic.envs.env_ig_momart module#

robomimic.envs.env_robosuite module#

This file contains the robosuite environment wrapper that is used to provide a standardized environment API for training policies and interacting with metadata present in datasets.

class robomimic.envs.env_robosuite.EnvRobosuite(env_name, render=False, render_offscreen=False, use_image_obs=False, use_depth_obs=False, postprocess_visual_obs=True, **kwargs)#

Bases: robomimic.envs.env_base.EnvBase

Wrapper class for robosuite environments (

property action_dimension#

Returns dimension of actions (int).

property base_env#

Grabs base simulation environment.

classmethod create_for_data_processing(env_name, camera_names, camera_height, camera_width, reward_shaping, render=None, render_offscreen=None, use_image_obs=None, use_depth_obs=None, **kwargs)#

Create environment for processing datasets, which includes extracting observations, labeling dense / sparse rewards, and annotating dones in transitions.

  • env_name (str) – name of environment

  • camera_names (list of str) – list of camera names that correspond to image observations

  • camera_height (int) – camera height for all cameras

  • camera_width (int) – camera width for all cameras

  • reward_shaping (bool) – if True, use shaped environment rewards, else use sparse task completion rewards

  • render (bool or None) – optionally override rendering behavior. Defaults to False.

  • render_offscreen (bool or None) – optionally override rendering behavior. The default value is True if @camera_names is non-empty, False otherwise.

  • use_image_obs (bool or None) – optionally override rendering behavior. The default value is True if @camera_names is non-empty, False otherwise.

  • use_depth_obs (bool) – if True, use depth observations


Returns a 4x4 homogenous matrix corresponding to the camera pose in the world frame. MuJoCo has a weird convention for how it sets up the camera body axis, so we also apply a correction so that the x and y axis are along the camera view and the z axis points along the viewpoint. Normal camera convention: :param camera_name: name of camera :type camera_name: str


4x4 camera extrinsic matrix

Return type

R (np.array)

get_camera_intrinsic_matrix(camera_name, camera_height, camera_width)#

Obtains camera intrinsic matrix. :param camera_name: name of camera :type camera_name: str :param camera_height: height of camera images in pixels :type camera_height: int :param camera_width: width of camera images in pixels :type camera_width: int


3x3 camera matrix

Return type

K (np.array)

get_camera_transform_matrix(camera_name, camera_height, camera_width)#

Camera transform matrix to project from world coordinates to pixel coordinates. :param camera_name: name of camera :type camera_name: str :param camera_height: height of camera images in pixels :type camera_height: int :param camera_width: width of camera images in pixels :type camera_width: int


4x4 camera matrix to project from world coordinates to pixel coordinates

Return type

K (np.array)


Get goal observation. Not all environments support this.


Get current environment observation dictionary.


di (dict) – current raw observation dictionary from robosuite to wrap and provide as a dictionary. If not provided, will be queried from robosuite.


Reproduced from since older versions of robosuite do not have this conversion from normalized depth values returned by MuJoCo to real depth values.


Get current reward.


Get current environment simulator state as a dictionary. Should be compatible with @reset_to.


Check if the task is done (not necessarily successful).


Check if the task condition(s) is reached. Should return a dictionary { str: bool } with at least a “task” key for the overall task success, and additional optional keys corresponding to other task criteria.

property is_v15_or_higher#

Returns true if the robosuite version is v1.5.0+

property name#

Returns name of environment name (str).

render(mode='human', height=None, width=None, camera_name='agentview')#

Render from simulation to either an on-screen window or off-screen to RGB array.

  • mode (str) – pass “human” for on-screen rendering or “rgb_array” for off-screen rendering

  • height (int) – height of image to render - only used if mode is “rgb_array”

  • width (int) – width of image to render - only used if mode is “rgb_array”

  • camera_name (str) – camera name to use for rendering


Reset environment.


unset_ep_meta (np.array) – whether to reset any previously set episode metadata (otherwise will continue to use previous episode metadata)


initial observation dictionary.

Return type

observation (dict)


Reset to a specific simulator state.


state (dict) – current simulator state that contains one or more of: - states (np.ndarray): initial state of the mujoco environment - model (str): mujoco scene xml


observation dictionary after setting the simulator state (only

if “states” is in @state)

Return type

observation (dict)

property rollout_exceptions#

Return tuple of exceptions to except when doing rollouts. This is useful to ensure that the entire training run doesn’t crash because of a bad policy that causes unstable simulation computations.


Save all information needed to re-instantiate this environment in a dictionary. This is the same as @env_meta - environment metadata stored in hdf5 datasets, and used in utils/


Set goal observation with external specification. Not all environments support this.


Step in the environment with an action.


action (np.array) – action to take


new observation dictionary reward (float): reward for this step done (bool): whether the task is done info (dict): extra information

Return type

observation (dict)

property type#

Returns environment type (int) for this kind of environment. This helps identify this env class.

property version#

Returns version of robosuite used for this environment, eg. 1.2.0

robomimic.envs.wrappers module#

A collection of useful environment wrappers.

class robomimic.envs.wrappers.EnvWrapper(env)#

Bases: object

Base class for all environment wrappers in robomimic.

classmethod class_name()#
property unwrapped#

Grabs unwrapped environment


Unwrapped environment

Return type

env (EnvBase instance)

class robomimic.envs.wrappers.FrameStackWrapper(env, num_frames)#

Bases: robomimic.envs.wrappers.EnvWrapper

Wrapper for frame stacking observations during rollouts. The agent receives a sequence of past observations instead of a single observation when it calls @env.reset, @env.reset_to, or @env.step in the rollout loop.


Modify to return frame stacked observation which is @self.num_frames copies of the initial observation.


each observation key in original observation now has

leading shape @self.num_frames and consists of the previous @self.num_frames observations

Return type

obs_stacked (dict)


Modify to return frame stacked observation which is @self.num_frames copies of the initial observation.


each observation key in original observation now has

leading shape @self.num_frames and consists of the previous @self.num_frames observations

Return type

obs_stacked (dict)


Modify to update the internal frame history and return frame stacked observation, which will have leading dimension @self.num_frames for each key.


action (np.array) – action to take


each observation key in original observation now has

leading shape @self.num_frames and consists of the previous @self.num_frames observations

reward (float): reward for this step done (bool): whether the task is done info (dict): extra information

Return type

obs_stacked (dict)

update_obs(obs, action=None, reset=False)#

Module contents#